Cavity Removal

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What it is...

They are cavities in the teeth caused by bacterial activity. They are a form of dental disease and are one of the most common conditions affecting teeth.

Cavities start as small spots and can progress in size and depth if not treated properly. They are mainly related to the frequent intake of sugars and carbohydrates that are converted by bacteria in the mouth into acids that erode tooth enamel.

Do I have cavities?

If you have one of the following symptoms:

  • Pain or tenderness

  • Visible stains

  • Holes or gaps

  • Rough feeling

  • Pain when chewing or spontaneous pain

  • Bad breath

    If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important that you seek dental care as soon as possible.

What happens if I don't remove the cavities?

Untreated cavities can cause severe pain and tenderness. This can make it difficult to eat and drink, and even affect your daily quality of life. It can also go deep and reach the dental pulp (nerve).

This can cause an infection, which in turn can form an abscess, a collection of pus that can be very painful and require emergency treatment.

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