
What it is...

A dental prosthesis is a device designed to replace missing or extracted natural teeth, as well as to restore the function and appearance of the mouth.

These dentures are custom made to fit the patient's mouth and can be removable or fixed, depending on individual needs.

person holding pink plastic hair clip
person holding pink plastic hair clip
What are my options?
  • Removable Dental Prostheses: They are those that the patient can remove and put back in his mouth, they can be partial or total.

  • Fixed Dental Prostheses: Also known as dental bridges or crowns, these prostheses are permanently fixed in the mouth and cannot be removed by the patient.

  • Dental Implants: Dental implants are a more advanced and durable option to replace missing teeth. They consist of a small titanium structure that is inserted into the jaw bone and serves as the base for an artificial dental crown.

white candle on black textile
white candle on black textile
man in black crew neck shirt
man in black crew neck shirt
Advantages of dental prostheses:
  • Improvement of the Masticatory Function: Dental prostheses restore the ability to chew and speak comfortably, which improves the quality of life and digestion.

  • Natural Aesthetics: Our dentures are designed to fit perfectly in your mouth and resemble natural teeth, improving your appearance and self-confidence.

  • Prevention of Future Dental Problems: Filling empty spaces with dentures can prevent the displacement of the remaining teeth and the accumulation of bacterial plaque.

  • Durability: We use quality materials and advanced techniques to ensure that your dentures are durable and strong.

person in black hoodie holding white candy
person in black hoodie holding white candy