Teeth Whitening

What it is...

Teeth whitening is a popular treatment to revitalize the appearance of your smile, but it has also accumulated some myths and misunderstandings over time.

How do I know if I need Teeth Whitening?

Signs that you might consider teeth whitening:

  1. Discolored Teeth: Your teeth have lost their natural shine and have a yellowish tone or superficial stains.

  2. Consumption of Coffee, Tea or Tobacco: Frequent consumption of beverages such as coffee, tea, red wine or tobacco can contribute to the darkening of the teeth over time.

  3. Natural Aging: Over time, it is natural for teeth to become slightly duller.

  4. Special Events: If you are preparing for an important event such as a wedding, graduation or social gathering.

  5. Low Confidence: If the appearance of your teeth affects your self-esteem and prevents you from smiling confidently, teeth whitening could help you regain your self-confidence.

Teeth Whitening Myths

Myth 1:

Teeth Whitening Damages Tooth Enamel

Fact: When done correctly and under the supervision of a dental professional, teeth whitening does not damage tooth enamel.

Myth 2:

Teeth Whitening is Permanent

Fact: Although teeth whitening can provide noticeable and long-lasting results, it is not a permanent treatment. Touch-ups can be done to maintain the luminosity of the smile.

Myth 3:

El Blanqueamiento Dental Doloroso

Realidad: En general, el blanqueamiento dental es un procedimiento poco o nada doloroso. Los productos de blanqueamiento modernos están diseñados para minimizar el malestar.

a close up of a person's mouth
a close up of a person's mouth